Plača Danielle Steel

Pisatelj - Združene države
Rojen: 1947, New York, United States
  • Letno: 9.375.041,00 €
  • Mesečno: 781.253,42 €
  • Tedensko: 180.289,25 €
  • Dnevno: 36.057,85 €
Danielle Steel

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Ta povzetek ponuja Wikipedia

14. avgust je 226. dan leta v gregorijanskem koledarju. Ostaja še 139 dni.

Wikipedia stran o 14. avgust

Forbes Jun 2023: earnings 2022 $ 10 million

Forbes Jun 2022: earnings 2021 $ 20 million

Nenshuu Feb. 2021: $25 M

Wealthy Gorilla: Danielle Steele is an American novelist who according to Forbes is the world’s best-selling living author who has more than 800 million copies of her books sold. That makes Steel the fourth best-selling author of all time.


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2023-6

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