Plača Albert Bourla

Direktor - Pfizer - Združene države
Rojen: 1962, Greece
  • Letno: 30.833.571,00 €
  • Mesečno: 2.569.464,25 €
  • Tedensko: 592.953,29 €
  • Dnevno: 118.590,66 €
Albert Bourla

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Ta povzetek ponuja Wikipedia

Pfizer Inc. je ameriška multinacionalna farmacevtska korporacija. Spada med največja svetovna farmacevtska podjetja in je bila leta 2018 na seznamu Fortune 500 uvrščena na 57. mesto med največjimi ameriškimi korporacijami po skupnem prihodku. Od leta 2004 do leta 2020 je bila vključena tudi v borzni indeks Dow Jones Industrial Average; avgusta 2020 jo je v indeksu zamenjala družba Amgen. Pfizer je bila ustanovljen leta 1849 in je poimenovan po svojem ustanovitelju Charlesu Pfizerju. Leta 2018 je napovedala združitev z britansko multinacionalko GlaxoSmithKline.

Wikipedia stran o Pfizer

- Fierce Pharma Jun 2023: In a year in which Pfizer became the first pharma company to ever reach $100 billion in revenue, Bourla saw his compensation jump 36%, from $24.3 million to $33.0 million.
- CNBC Feb 2022: Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla received $24.3 million in total compensation for 2021, a 15% increase over the prior year.
- Equilar Apr 2021: $19,665,790 (total compensation)
- Mar. 2020: Albert Bourla officially took over as Pfizer CEO first thing in 2019. His total compensation jumped 82% over the previous year, when he was the Big Pharma’s chief operating officer, and reached $17.9 million.


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2023-6

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