Plača Sandra Bullock

Rojen: 1964 ZDA
  • Letno: 18.687.013,00 €
  • Mesečno: 1.557.251,08 €
  • Tedensko: 359.365,63 €
  • Dnevno: 71.873,13 €
Sandra Bullock

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Ta povzetek ponuja Wikipedia

Sandra Annette Bullock, ameriška filmska, gledališka in televizijska igralka ter producentka, * 26. julij 1964, Arlington, Virginija, Združene države Amerike.

Wikipedia stran o Sandra Bullock

Forbes Jun 2022: She reportedly earned $20 million upfront for the 2022 movie 'The Lost City' co-starring Channing Tatum.
variety Aug. 2021: Sandra Bullock earned $20M for "The Los City of D".
VanityFair estimated earnings 2010: $22 million,
Forbes 2011: $15 million,
Forbes June 2012:$25 million
Forbes June 2013: $14 million
Forbes July 2014: $51 million


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2022-6

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